Matteo Bardoscia
Andrea Egidi
Giulia Shara Frumento
Arianna Meroni
Pasquale Morelli
Claudio Pezzella
November 2018 - December 2018
Politecnico di Milano
client: Polizia Municipale di Milano (Milan Police)
We developed a social media campaign for Polizia Municipale in Milan to discourage the use of mobile phones while driving. The campaign was created and thought from scratch, so in a preliminary phase we focused on researching drive safety campaigns around the world, Polizia Municipale’s brand image and the sentiment abound the brand and how people perceive car safety in Milan. We then came up with the concept of the campaign, to whom should be addressed, the channel involved and the design and production. 

Anima is the soul of every voice assistant in your smartphone and she’s here to help you discover all her features.
01. Research
The research diverged in three different but interconnected paths: brand image and insights, target study and people’s needs, trends, marketing competitors and technology solutions. 

Polizia Municipale in Milan, as all over Italy, has no really well-defined brand image, which is muddled among the image of the many other branches of the Italian law enforcement, like Polizia Stradale, Carabinieri, Polizia and so on. The element of recognition that stands out on the others is the ticket, or the fine, you can get for breaking the rules in the city area. This only one determinant has sticked a negative perception of Polizia Municipale on citizen’s opinion, which makes the policeman look as a punishment figure around town. 

The second part of the research aimed to find a target that best could be interested in this campaign. This question led us to a desk research on the intersection among national datas per age (since data only referred to the city of Milan was too poor) on mobile phone ownership, drive licences and rate of car accidents by distraction (Area of Milan). People between 25 and 35 years old (Millennials) outlined the highest rate of car accidents for distraction, caused by the usage of a mobile device. After setting the target, we studied the sociological behaviour and tried to sum up their habits, trends and proclivity to use the smartphone while driving. People between 25 and 35 years old revealed to be a complex social range  for its diversity in habits and social status, So we marked a line by dividing in “Steadies” and “Dynamics”. Steadies are family-oriented (stability is their goal in life), while Dynamics are more independent and career-oriented, in general. 

Third goal of our research was to spot the competitors on the market, even though it’s a social campaign, which has no product or service involved.
The question is: why would our target decide to listen to us?
The topic of drive safety is mainly promoted by four kinds of entities: public institutions, car manufactures, no-profit associations and technologies companies. Public institutions and no-profit associations discourage commonly any use of devices while driving, presenting in their scenarios terrible and dramatic consequences in order to move the audience sensitivity. On the opposite side we can find car manufactures and tech companies, which purpose is to show the high safety level of their products. In this case the storytelling allows the user to use any mobile device responsibly with their systems. To sum up, on one side we have a prohibitionist approach and to the opposite a more tolerant strategy. 
02. Strategy
At the end of the research part, which involved desk research, a focus groups, interviews on spots of interest, surveys online, we decided to develop a strategy based on a permissive approach.  

Our scope is to dissuade the drivers to use any mobile devices with their hands, by educating the audience to the voice assistant features in every smartphone. 

Trends showed a growth in users leaning towards mobile devices voice assistant but, at the time (ref. 2018), people still didn’t feel totally confident to use it on a daily basis, although the 65% of the interviewees declared to try a voice assistant at least once. Through our social campaign we aimed to change the audience habit to a regular and conscious use of all the voice assistant features in our phones. We designed a strategy based on stages in order to lead the audience to our final aim: first hooking the audience by interest, following up on spreading culture, pushing it to the training and landing at the habit. We provide through social channel (Facebook and Youtube) tutorials, hints, suggestions, news and a whole storytelling experience regarding the right usage of the voice assistant.

First step is to invite and push the people to land on the Facebook page of our campaign, our main platform, through Ads on Instagram and Facebook (posts and stories). These will redirect the audience to the Facebook page and to the presentation video in it. In the page people would find shared posts, news and dictation posts, which are basic and fun ways of how to use the voice assistant. Also in the page we planned to post little tutorials on episodes about everything concerning the voice assistant, divided by operating systems, features and level of difficulty. YouTube is the second platform we lean our strategy on. We acknowledged that many people in our target audience would be already interested or experienced in voice assistant technologies, so the best way to get to know the Facebook page is through Google SEA and Youtube. We wanted to leverage on the curiosity of the already experienced user, who, by searching on google, will land on our Youtube channel and eventually to the Facebook page. 
The habit would be reached with time and through the engagement we created in the page. We would present a series of posts that narrate the stories of our two main characters, who successfully manage to use the voice assistant in everyday life.
The topic of drive safety is mainly promoted by four kinds of entities: public institutions, car manufactures, no-profit associations and technologies companies. Public institutions and no-profit associations discourage commonly any use of devices while driving, presenting in their scenarios terrible and dramatic consequences in order to move the audience sensitivity. On the opposite side we can find car manufactures and tech companies, which purpose is to show the high safety level of their products. In this case the storytelling allows the user to use any mobile device responsibly with their systems. To sum up, on one side we have a prohibitionist approach and to the opposite a more tolerant strategy. 
03. Storytelling
The storytelling of the whole campaign goes around three main characters: Anima, the voice assistant, Lara and Claudio, two users who want to embody the target. Anima is the core of the campaign because all the channels are designed to be their fictional personal page. Anima in this way is the entity that wants to represent and stand out of the crowd of the many unused voice assistants: it is a soul and we just know her through her voice. Anima talks like a human and she has feelings: she is frustrated because people like Claudio and Lara can’t communicate with her properly but she is here to help but she’s really open minded to teach everyone eager to voice assistant features.Claudio is a man around 35 and he stands for the “Steady” target group, while Lara, some years younger, stands for the “Dynamics”.
Both of them are presented dorky and inexperienced with Anima but with time they are the example of a successful story. They wanted to embody the growth we aimed for the audience, which would follow their steps. 
The social campaign for Polizia Municipale is actually a new permanent brand on social media that provides an alternative, technology based lifestyle for drivers. In this term we wanted to create a dialogue between the citizens and the police, which no longer should be seen as a punishment figure. It would be the first Italian campaign by a public institution that allows the driver to use the mobile phone on the drive presenting a safe solution, involving other stakeholders to participate in the future. 
website designed by me

updated: March 2021